Originally Posted by Canadian
Hey Jon and Brad.
Just for clarification: Jon's tank doesn't have a full-on Bean Animal overflow. I disconnected the piece of tubing from one of the stand pipes and eventually removed one of the elbows effectively turning it into a Herbie with two fail-safes because it was more hassle than it was worth. I did that about 5 months ago when we moved into our new place after living with a fussy BeanAnimal overflow for a year. I find it's less finicky this way.
As far as notching goes, SeaStar won't cut a notch but they will build the tank with a notch. The back of my old tank (now Jon's) is notched but they built it by siliconing two smaller pieces on either side of the shortened back pane of glass (this is concealed by the piece of acrylic glued to the inside of the back pane of glass). So one option, albeit likely expensive, is to have them rebuild the back pane of glass.
Thanks for clarifying. either way you designed that thing to be silent. Thanks again Andrew