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Old 10-07-2010, 08:13 PM
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Rbacchiega Rbacchiega is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: I'm A Gypsy
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Rbacchiega is on a distinguished road

one drip ends, another friggen begins. Figures the one spot I didn't hit with the silicone from the return in the overflow down into the sump would be it....damnit. Soooooo let the overflow drip out into the sump, silicone that before close tonight and let that dry...Saturday should be able to run everything.

But on a positive note, the rocks and sand showed up today and the tank is currently all cloudy and disgusting! Ended up going with probably 60lbs in the display tank and about 5 and change in the sump. Beautiful dry rock...full of lots of nooks and crannies and ledges a nice open scape going on too, complete with mini valley and overhang ha ha....

dear lord I hope things start going together easier.
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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