It sucks...I'm not much of a clam person and didn't even think to look for snails when I brought my baby clams home. I'm just glad I didn't put them in my big tank that has the three big clams in as they are all attached to the rock work and I would never get them out. Didn't Chandler say he lost some of his too? Bet it was snails.
Ive lost 2 of the 4 baby max's I bought. The two remaining are looking good tho. I'm taking mine out and giving them a scrub every couple of nights. Last night I only found 1 or 2 snails on each of them.. So I think I'm winning. Haven't seen any snails on my snails so far.
Christy your our local clam expert... Does it harm the clam to be taken out of the water for scrubbings or do they need to be submerged all the time?
"Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men."