Haven't had much time lately to post an update on things , keep meaning to , but never get around to it.
Still checking things out on the boards though , so I felt a little guilty and made some time to update things.
Tank has almost been on auto pilot since I started on the dosing system and got rid of my reactor, I must say I can't believe I haven't got around to this earlier . All parameters seem to be staying rock solid over the past 5 months or so , and when I need to boost it up for growth using the Profilux doser is so easy , takes 2 secs to up the dosage by a few Ml. and double check it in a week or so and I'm good to go. Only real issue I've had lately is freaking aptaisia growth , ( still on the lookout for a helthy Copperband to add into the mix )
Also looking for reviews on the new line of Deltec Skimmers , I've had my Deltec 902 for 5 years or so and it has been awsome for me , but I'm starting to look around for something new as it's almost time to replace pumps and such on it so I figured I would see how people are liking the new models , and decide from there.
Here's a couple of vids I tried with my new Cannon 7d . Please bear with me on the quality as it's definetly going to take a bit to perfect it.