Originally Posted by Mandosh
My Nuclear Greens did the same thing when my alk was low. Not 100% sure if that was the reason though.
could test the tank I suppose. The Zoa tank get water from the reef instead of fresh saltwater, so the values are good and the water is pristine and aged well. The unIDed Paly was ruffled in the reef though, and the alkalinity has always been in check. Alkalinity in the reef is 8-9 dKH.
Originally Posted by MitchM
Any chance your carbon is exhausted?
I haven't used carbon in the Zoa tank, but I do use it in the reef, and the Palys were ruffled in the reef. I just boiled some fresh carbon for the Zoa tank. I will add it to the mini sump tomorrow after it is done soaking. It will just run passively in a bag. I should hook up a reactor for carbon and GFO...
Originally Posted by reefwars
Perhaps a neighboring coraL???
Just Zoas and Palys nearby. The only other corals in the tank are 2 Ricordea florida, and a small colony of various Euphyllia (Hammers and Frogspawns) that aren't touching any of the Zoas or Palys.