why I ask I started pellets 2 months ago, great right off the begining within 5 days water was so crystal clear corals coral was great except my millis didnt realy like it, no algae at all. Then it all hit just over a week ago first the bryopsis covered all my sand

then algae started on all my rocks water is got a brown color to it my LPS started looseing color

. Now algae is on ever part of my tannk starting to cover corals everywere. I run carbon all the time and my filter floss is clogging in 3-4 hours with crud. My tank is starting to crash. So I took the pellets out of the reactor filled it full of carbon I am doing a 25% water change today and another one in 3 days. It was weird my phos and nit were at undetable last week and this week they are right over the top. I also added a seahare and a urchin to help. I have a very small bioload A small tomini tang, flamehawk, read headed jawfish, and a scooter blennie