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Old 10-01-2010, 11:40 PM
jay2x jay2x is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Surrey BC Canada
Posts: 87
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Arrow Reduce Nitrate need opinion.

Okay, I recently removed my bioballs about a week ago and have LR rubble. I have been battling with the nitrates to go down, I've limited my food.

currently I have 20ppm. my goal is to bring it down to 0ppm as I want to start a reef tank.

tank size 75 gallons
foxface, damsels 4, two mandarin goby, 3 clowns, 1 flame hawkfish, 2 (puffers(pearl and star and stripe) will be remove once i get corals)

everything is at 0ppm except 20 annoying, i'm running a sump with refugium with cheato DSB with LR. In another side of my sump there is filter floss, phospate filter floss, LR rubble, and nitrate removal stones...and yes i'm running a 125 gal skimmer.

I know the diatoms bloom i'm having is contributing with the nitrate spikes too. I don't know how to effectively get rid of them, I use PRIME to condition my water. I never had any problems before, but after a major water changes because I moved my tank it has been doing this.

I need effective solutions, product suggestions.. thanks.
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