When you transfer the rock over to the new water, smell each piece and set aside the stinky ones. I had a tank break and the live rock in the barrel started smelling bad. Turned out some snails & sponges died but only a few pieces were affected. The other good pieces were transferred into clean water and after a week, when tested, the water was fine in those containers. The stinky rock I just pulled out and left dry sitting in my carport for now. The smell went away and later, I'll clean the dried rocks, reseed and let sit in some circulating water for several months to cure and become live again.
I ended up "saving" 90% of the rock by doing the smell test & only taking away the stinky rocks.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!