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Old 09-30-2010, 02:12 PM
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Rbacchiega Rbacchiega is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: I'm A Gypsy
Posts: 1,238
Rbacchiega is on a distinguished road

Macro Rocks is having a sale!!!! EFF YESS!!! 40lbs pre cured rock with 40 lbs sand for 119 shipping. So I'm ordering 2. 80lbs rock and 80lbs sand should give me a nice open scape (extra rock can go in the fuge or I'll trade to someone on for some coral or something) and 80lbs sand should give me just under a 2" sandbed...nice and shallow...wooooopa!
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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