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Old 09-30-2010, 11:46 AM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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tang daddy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Boy I'm jealous of everyone diving and taking sweet pics. That streamer is stunning thanks for sharing.

My favorite experience while snorkeling (I can't dive yet) was following a massive school of blue tangs over the reef as they power-grazed. I did this for some time and had the sunburn back to prove it!
snorkeling is fun but yah the sun burn is not so fun.... Diving is easy and almost feels like your cruising around in a bubble, had an awesome time. It was funny as you breathed underwater you can rise and sink a few feet at times I was holding my breath to cruise over the bed size acropora tables....

By the second day I was cruising off on my own more, there were alot of black diadema urchins in massive clusters some reaching close to a foot so I was sure to stay away, being stung before was very painfull.
Always looking for the next best coral...

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