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Old 09-30-2010, 05:52 AM
BiggerTrigger BiggerTrigger is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 8
BiggerTrigger is on a distinguished road
Exclamation F#@!* Whats that smell..

Alright so long story short,

Come home today and the house seems to smell a little funky, couldn't pin point it until I went down to the basement. I have roughly 110lbs of live rock sitting in a big rubbermaid with heaters and powerheads.

Was hoping to use this liverock for a tank in the future so it was in storage for now and I had no problems with it being in the rubbermaid thus far. However when I went downstairs it just smelled like a sewer. I go check the rubbermaid and theres this yellowish mucus on the top of the water and covering some of the rocks near the top.

Take a quick glance at the temp probe and it reads 93.2F! Sometime from Monday-Tuesday one of the heaters malfunctioned and just cooked the rubbermaid.

So now I got to ask because I have no idea is my live rock pretty much done for?

I had 0 water at the moment but I'm currently mixing some to transfer the rocks over too asap. I also removed the mucus and gave the rocks that were covered a quick fw dip.

Hopefully it's salvageable or I guess i got 110lbs of base rock now..
180 Gallon - Trigger Tank
90 Gallon - Mixed Reef
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