Originally Posted by lastlight
Wow and you even got the rock to look much like the last layout. That itself is a reefing miracle nicely done.
Your fish sure love the hand that feeds. They're all jammed into that end of the tank for photo ops lol.
So what happened to Chin's stuff he had in the tank? That sounds crazy (and super swell) to just up and empty a tank for a buddy...did he have a new tank ready for them?
He had a 120g downstairs that he transferred most of his fish & corals into. The LR he's selling off and most of the remaining corals were also sold. I ended up with a couple small fish (yellow wrasse & candy hogfish) as well as a couple of corals from the teardown.
Yeah, totally unexpected act of generosity to help me out in a crisis. Chin's really stand up guy & a "friend in need" indeed.
I left the left side of the tank a bit more open since that's where I will see the fish while working on my computer. Seems like 80% of the fish hang out in the left 20% of the tank, hehehe.