Well, it's been a long time (spoiler alert: nothing concrete has happened! lol), so I thought I'd give an update and get some opinions.
I've finalizd the dimensions and the tank is apparently done and ready to b delivered (I say apparently since I've been waiting on pics from Miracles for about a week now). The final specs for the tank is 42 x 24 x 24 (110g), with the front and two sides in 1/2" starphire glass. Bottom is 5/8" tempered with three holes, and a corner overflow with an angled front (Drawing from Miracles in Glass):
I modelled my stand after D2mini's stand on RC. Here's what I think it'll look like when all done and together:
Here are the stand blueprints. Let me know what you guys think:
I'll be losing the screwstrips in figure 3, instead opting for pocket screws to attach the uprights to the top and bottom frames. I'll probably also add gusseting to preventing racking. Also, the top frame will be 2 x 4, not 2 x 6, as many people agreed that it wouldn't be necessary.
Also, to attach the side panels, I'll be using recessed magnets, and for the front doors, I'll be using these nifty hinges:
Everything has to be held inside the stand (ATO reservoir, sump, dosing containers, etc:
I have changed the plumbing a bit to allow me to bypass the skimmer section and drain right into the return chamber, so that I can use the skimmer section for water changes.
Since the sump might have been a tight fit, I planned it all out too (that, and I like planning):
All that is left is to collect a few missing plumbing pieces, bild the stand and get the tank delivered! Hopefully all up and running by then end of October!