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Old 09-28-2010, 02:24 AM
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I have a canister filter in both my skimmerless 21 gallons and my 75 gallons and both have zero nitrates, at least none that can be detected with my tests and I feed quite a lot my coral because I have non-photosynthetic.

The secret? I have micro-algae, caulerpa mostly, that feed on the nitrates before it even have a change to raise in the water.

I don't have nuisance algae problem either.

I find the canister filter usefull for carbon filtration and to polish the water. I clean them once a month.

However a canister filter cannot possibly replace a skimmer. They do very different things.

I don't have a room for a sump either so this is why I keep my canister filters. If you don't want to put micro algae, how do you plan on export your nitrates?

Also the type of liverock play a very important role in nitrification and denitrification. More porous liverock is best for that job like the Totoka. I beleive that my very low nitrates is in part due to my Totoka liverock.

Originally Posted by Strickland_673 View Post
I have just set up my 25g as a reef tank, currently being cycled. I have a Rena XP4 on the tank and horrible POS seaclone skimmer. I have been reading a few posts about ppl not recommending canister filtration because of the nitrate problems.

So I ask you should i remove my canister filter and upgrade my skimmer?
will this POS skimmer be ok for now?

I don't have the room for a sump or fuge. but am planning on getting a HOB fuge within the year.

Please any input is appreciated.
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