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Old 09-28-2010, 01:47 AM
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DiverDude DiverDude is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 519
DiverDude is on a distinguished road

Anything is possible -but is it smart ?

Aside from the potential issues from a failure of some sort, how would you get at it to clean and tend to it ? Working on a step ladder would be a bitch.

Where would the sump go ?



If it's *that* desirable to you then I'm sure you could pull it of. Personally, I'd suggest that you can find other places that are almost as nice but far more practical.

29 Gal Bowfront w/24" LED Lights. DIY HOB Sump (5.4 Gal) MP40. Orange Spotted Watchman Goby, 2 Clownfish and a few hermits.
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