Everybody survived, corals included with the exception of two birdsnest frags, still have three others so its all okay.
The 90 is a jumble of rocks right now though, I am not entirely looking forward to re-landscaping!!! I need a plan of sorts to stack the rocks in some fashion that is aesthetically favourable, but haven't come up with anything yet. If you have any winning ideas please feel free to pass along! Drawings would be preferable, the tank measures 4' x 18" or something like that.

You'll get an amazing prize if you win, how does a 3D marine fish bookmark sound?!! Awesome, I know.
Fish are all doing good. Oh, I got a new fish today, a stellar looking Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse. Very bright pink.
I think I've already mentioned this, but I love love love my lighting system, its a metal halide / fluorescent / LED combo. My corals look way more bright and are growing way faster too, instead of under just T5's. My anemone's also like this lighting system better too.