OK we have 11 people. I will keep this open till noon on Friday for anyone else and then send in the names if I get everyones info.
The order will start next Tuesday, but wait for your email from BRS before you order. The group buy will run through to the following Monday
I do need the following info from everyone:
1. dbdavid - Dave
2. Milad – Milad – I need your last name. Please PM
3. ponokareefer – Ryan - I need your BRS email address and last name. Please PM
4. Namnuta - Cameron– I need your last name. Please PM
5. Ryanst – Ryan– I need your last name. Please PM
6. Reelgator- Tim - good to go!
7. GreenspottedPuffer - Justin - good to go!
8. Sunee- - good to go!
9. ALang - Lenny- good to go!
10. Twinn – Bryce -good to go!
11. Bignose - Jason -I need your BRS email address and last name. Please PM
12. Snufflupagus - Colin - good to go!
13. Christyf5 - Christy - good to go!
Anyone else who wants in, I need your first and last name and BRS email address.
Last edited by dbdavid; 09-23-2010 at 07:21 PM.