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Old 09-23-2010, 04:48 AM
xtreme xtreme is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 772
xtreme is on a distinguished road

I run a bare bottom. No worries about to much flow stirring up sand. Much easier to clean if necessary. A fellow canreefer asked me the other day where my detritus was, I don't have any since there is no sand bed for it to settle on. It takes most people at least 10 or 15 mins to notice there is no sand in my tank since they are busy looking at all the fish and coral. It doesn't look as nice as a white sand bed but it will blend in with coraline over time.

A SSB is really only for aesthetics and I could never keep it clean anyway and a DSB is to hard to maintain IMO so BB is my vote.
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