Holy Bitchfest, Batman! Seriously, can't you all just hug and make up?
Some guy just posts some pictures of some snazzy looking corals and your all up in arms about it. Have you seen some of the pictures in the POTM threads? Here look at this one from Sphelps:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...alicemacro.jpg. Anyone getting all ****y over that one? Nope. Or check out ZoaElite's zoa pics... Freakin' cool stuff.
There are more diplomatic ways of questioning the authenticity of something (which you are totally within your rights to do). "Hey dude, those are some pretty sweet looking corals. What lights do you use to make them look like that or do you edit your photos after? I want mine to look like that". "Aw, thanks man! Ya, they totally look like that in the tank, you need some serious lighting to get that though. I only change the white balance after so they don't look washed out." Done. Finished. Everyone's friends. No need for 6 friggin' pages of people trash talking each other.
Aquarium nerds, there are bigger fish to fry than arguing over the internet about someones pictures! (See what I did there? That's punny stuff!

By the way, my zoas glow like that it night, maybe even more... that's why I keep them. If you want to figure out why yours don't let's start another thread and talk about it over there.
Hey mods, how about... you know... doin' some moderatin'?