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Old 09-22-2010, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I'd be the first to question him about what he has done to the photos but in a polite way. People just started to assume he enhanced them before asking and then after he answered people then continued to assume he has enhanced them. He isn't selling here and even if he was, just don't buy them if you don't think its a "real" photo.

He only got this response because he is a vendor (in another country) and its wrong. He can't sell here. So what...he got a big buzz over something that isn't going to make him any money amongst the buzzing people. And trust me, whatever buzz is happening in Canada isn't going to help him in the US. For one, half the states barely know Canada exists and the rest don't give a...

Im not too sure what benefit he has gained in a market he cannot make money off of legally. Please explain.
I thought the pictures looked enhanced. So I asked if anyone else felt that way. Got myself a new @ss whole ripped for my efforts. But as a vendor you would think he would want to know what people really think of his photos wether good or bad.