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Old 09-22-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
Alright Justin. Let's turn your argument on its head: since CC doesn't/can't sell here, what's the harm in questioning the amount of re-touching in the photos? We certainly aren't affecting his business. And the last time I checked, commentary - whether positive or negative - was allowed on this board.

And you wouldn't have had others backing him up and verifying the veracity of the photos were it not for the initial doubtful postings. Without those doubters, many Canreef members may be left with the impression of "Gee, those corals look too good to be true" and would not have had the benefit of the verifying posts.
Yes basically too good to be true is kind of what my origional post was all about. I never called into question the quality of the frags, nor the beauty, nor the photographers skills. What I did call into question was the colours in the backgrounds. Yellowish algae? Electric Blue Spots on the frag discs? I just made me think Hmmmm about the whole picture. I may not know what I am talking about apparently but I have seen quite a few photographs here posted by a lot of photographers of various skills but I had never seen backgrounds that looked like that. It just kind of made the whole thing look fakeish to me. I am sorry if the OP cant take a little bit of criticism but I did not deserve to be attacked as such for posting my personal thoughts. If you want immunity from anything negative being posted about your stuff in the future then you'll have to pay for sponsorship status here.