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Old 09-22-2010, 04:59 AM
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ponokareefer ponokareefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Ponoka, Alberta
Posts: 859
ponokareefer is on a distinguished road

I think Myka hit the nail on the head with the specific reasons for most of the deaths, and ingrhaul has some great advise as well. 5 months in essentially a "new" system is still pretty young and the bacteria may not have had a chance to fully develop to handle the bio-load appropriately. Even if using the old system water, rock, sand, etc, the new set up will still take quite a while to establish a balance.
As for the mandarin, I got a mated pair from someone that was eating prepared foods for quite some time, but the male just stopped once it hit my tank. The female is still doing well though.
240 gallon tank build:
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