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Old 09-21-2010, 11:22 AM
cherrycorals cherrycorals is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 28
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Creating buzz for what? I was just sharing some really good photo's.

I visit all the Canadian forums often, I see alot of "blue" thumbs in vendor photo's so its easy to spot a poorly taken photo. I see alot of really really bad photo's to.

As important as a crisp photo is post processing. You have to correct the photo, you have to! I make corrections to make a coral look like it looks. I don't give a crap about an exif file, I am well aware that anyone anywhere can analyze my photo's and see what I have done.

I didn't say that I don't photoshop, I was offended by the over enhanced comment. That is the part he/she has no clue about. If you run the lights I run, this is what a coral will look like. I could have taken a pic under LED's then you guys would all have been ****ed!

So here is what I have done in photoshop:

I correct my color temp to 20k(in photoshop this strips out blue)
I adjust exposure just in case I was off.
I adjust contrast to......add contrast.
I sharpen
Some photo's get a touch of vibrance
Very seldom do I add saturation

Oh, and NanoHuman, I hate to tell you but those aren't Candy Apple Reds. They are cool but just a deepwater zoa from China. They are called fruit loops. People still take acid?, that is soooo like 50 years ago.

So for reference here is an uncorrected photo. I don't see this with my eye but this is what the camera takes. My main concern is focus and exposure.

Is this the photo I should post?

Last edited by cherrycorals; 09-21-2010 at 11:33 AM.