Scary! Glad to hear you and your dog are doing ok now. You may be interested to know if you ever have a different type of reaction due to your sensitivity, that heat applied to the area renders most toxins from our tanks/corals null. I have sensitivities as well, and am allergic to bee stings too. On the weekend I accidentally rubbed my wrist along my ricordia's without really feeling anything until I pulled my arm out of the tank. Have glove's but hate to use them. As soon as my arm was out in the air it was insanely red and itchy, and right away started to blister up, much like chicken pox. I tried antihistimine, afterbite and special creams I have been told to take but nothing worked and it got worse really quickly. Anyways looked it up on the net right away to see what to try, and I came across a post stating to try any type of heat, hot water bottle etc... Anyways didn't have any of those so I quickly grabbed the blow drier, set it on high and had it as close to the wrist as I could stand the heat. Well within 2 minutes of blow drying the pain and itch subsided, so I quit blowdrying, and within 10 minutes the blisters were almost 100% gone. They say have something with as much heat as you can handle. Hopefully you don't ever have to use this trick, but thought it might be useful info to share
