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Old 09-20-2010, 10:45 PM
Reef-Geek Reef-Geek is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Burnaby BC
Posts: 208
Reef-Geek is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dunkliss View Post
hey shutting down tank sorry about earlier post need gone
green sat polyps 3 lb l/r 6x4 piece of coral $25 sold
huge bubble coral size of football $45 sold
green tipped hammer coral 5 heads $30 sold
rose tip anemone 3x3 $25 sold
huge mushroom rock with 10-15 fuzzy shrooms and a zoa colony 15lb l/r $125 sold
50+ lbs of live rock with an aiptasia outbreak $3 a lb or $115 for all sold
awsome rhodactis shroom colony 5-8 heads $15 green and white sold
waving hand huge colony $15 sold
pulsing xenia 5-8 stalks $25 on 3 lb live rock sold
also full 90 gallon set up sump, stand, plumbing, return pump, $ 400 with skimmer, power heads all equipment

korilia power heads a #2 and a #3 $20 each
heaters and tons of other random stuff
coralife 125 skimmer $70
call 604-505-3515
would like to set up time on sunday or monday thanks matt
are there any live stock left?
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