Originally Posted by Murminator
Well about 5-6years ago I got a rock of some ugly zoos didn't know much about them but they were sure slimey. I handled them with my bare hands. Well a day after getting them I tried fragging them up it went ok but a ton of slime and stink. That night I became very very sick throwing up I was freezing and had uncontrollable shaking but yet I was sweating so I thought a I had a fever. 3AM the wife takes me the emergency room they took me in quick I had no fever but I was drenched in sweat but felt I was freezing. They put me on IV did a bunch of tests and couldn't find anything...and it went away as fast as it came on. We thought it was a touch of the flu but I few days later while surfing found out zoos can be toxic. So put 2+2 together and figured that what it was. So from that day forward if you been to my house I trust nothing in my tank and I glove up.
Fast forward to last night ripped down my tank to get out a damsel I used my armpit long corallife gloves to take out most of the rock then switched to surgical gloves for more precission I doubled gloved cause I was handling rocks. I got the fish out and decided to clean the tank some. My back wall had about 200 of the ugly zoos growing up the glass so i scraped them off with a razor blade and tossed them. Since I had taken out 10gal of water for a water change the water was on bypass and just circulating through the sump and not going into the display. Those zoos where not happy and was letting off lots of slime that was circulating in the display...but I was double gloved. Clean everything up washed up real good with anti bacterial soap then had a shower.
Just before I went to bed around midnight I noticed my throat was sore and swollen thought great I'm getting a cold. About 2AM the dog started to breath heavy and wimper and pace. The wife got up and got the dog to drink and to eat and took her outside. She seemed fine and she had like a laboured breathing wife got up again made her drink some water took her out side again thought she was consipated we took her for a walk at 3am but she wasn't. She was fine in every way except the breathing I thought oh oh she might have licked some zoo water off then floor from drips, after a hour and half she was fine.
Then about 3:45 it hit me the freezing uncontrolled sweating/shaking but once again no fever the wife knew what was coming and fed me a ton of water, gravol and tylenol. I was almost struggling to breath and couldn't stop shaking after about 2.5 hours I was on fire and couldn't get cooled down the wife said if it goes past 6 I'm taking you in but it seemed to stop my throat opened back up and we got some sleep. I slept most of the am and now the dog and I are fine except every muscle and bone in my body hurts.
So if you are like me and have sensitive skin watch out for zoo/paly slime it can be toxic. Which I assume it absorbed via my forearms. So be careful out there when fragging....and keep the pets away
Here is some reading on Palytoxins
You may have inhaled some air born toxin that the zoes let go of. That would be the most likely reason your were having problems breathing and the dog also. I have asthma and have a personal attachment with breathing, I have died from asthma once; it's quite the experience. Chemicals can pass through the skin quite easily and may cause your through to contract and you may go into antipathetic shock.
This is what I think was happening you got the shocks and fever from your arms being in the goop and the zoes reals-ed a toxin into the air also which you and the dog inhaled causing your throat to constrict. so I would wear a mask and the long gloves if I were you. As the cumulative effect can be deadly I am also allergic to bee stings and when a wasp bits me old bites swell up also, I carry a eppy pen all the time if it is not on me it is in my truck...