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Old 09-20-2010, 07:40 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
ScubaSteve is on a distinguished road

If you were moving rock, you might have also stirred up some bacteria which got onto you and the floor. You would be surprised how sick this can make you. I have come down sick after working in the tank before (before I had zoas even) and after a bit of looking around it appears to be quite common and it is usually foreign bacteria like e. coli, etc (I even learned that diseases such as TB can be passed to you from fish... weird!).

I'm glad you are alive and well and as is your dog. Reefs are death traps and it makes me wonder sometimes... saltwater, tons of electricity, poisonous critters, stining corals, mystery rashes (not wrasses)... Count me in!
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