Originally Posted by gucci17
Hi, just tagging along! Love the tank man!
Did you ever end up deciding on what type of lighting to go with for your frags?
One more question, sorry to derail...I didn't see a fuge in your sump. Do you think they are unneccesary?
Thanks, I did kinda come up with a few ideas for the frag tank, its going to be ghetto for the next little bit until i can come up with something.
So for now its being lite by a viper 70wt MH, and a double hagen glo fixture.
well see how it goes for the next bit, but the curretn frags seem to be reacting positive.
yeah, there is no fuge, I am using the zeovit system and a fuge is not neccessary, I did use one in the past when not on zeo, and I felt that it did help, there were alot of pods and algae to take up nutrients.
Originally Posted by Rbacchiega
Sweet Jesus this tank has changed since I last saw it.
Still one of my all time favorites.
But my polenta is better....bazinga!
yeah eh, its been awhile, new tank, new setup. Thanks for the comp.
and I dont think there was a battle to decide on who's polenta was better, so the first thing when your back in C-town, BATTLE POLENTA is on !!!
Brett can be Alton, LOL.
Originally Posted by JOEL
Hey John
All I can say is wow your tank looks great. This is the first time I see this
thread as It's been a busy summer and have not spent much time on canreef.
Hey Joel thanks man.