Originally Posted by reefwars
carpets arent easy to care for and thats the kicker and then theres the size they grow to be and the damage they can do plus they can foul a tank nasty if it dies.they are best left untill after having anemones for a long time once experienced and in an established tank they are quite nice 
Ummm, I do have an established tank, am somewhat experienced, have been my saltwater tank for over 5 years now, have had 4 nems up to a couple weeks ago when I sold 3 nems, and still have 1. Never had one die. I know gbta's are easier than carpets, but once the new build is done It won't be my inexperience that keeps me from getting one, just not 100% sure I want one. I also have had a clown in my tank for over 4 of those years, but lost him to a move and getting caught in a snowstorm in the mountains for over 48 hours. That clown never wanted to host, and the burn marks on this one when he hasn't hosted in a year threw me a little, and was concerned for the toxin. thanks.