Slightly bittersweet this evening.
I finally finished the plumbing, after MUCH trial and error, and redo-ing a few things after not liking it as much as I thought I would. Funny how seeing things in person never seems to match up to my expectations of it in my imagination.
I switched the direction of the frag tank feed pipe. Unfortunately in doing so I busted the valve ($8 down the drain, oh well). Luckily I did have a spare 1" valve in my junk drawer, only thing it it's threaded over slip .. but in that same drawer of shame was a threaded to slip adapter so it's all good.
Next up was the skimmer. I think I might have mentioned already that I had originally planned on having the skimmer in the centre and the frag tank to the right, but it became evident very quickly once I got the measuring tape out that this wasn't going to work out. So on the right for the skimmer. Built a little stand for it, drilled the sump, did a few iterations on the plumbing before finally settling on a schema that I liked.
I got so excited tonight that I had to do a wet test of the skimmer, so I filled the sump partway and flipped on that Mak4 pump to see what would happen.
Unfortunately the bearings are shot. That pump turns, but it howls like a banshee. The whole house resonated with the sound. Completely unacceptable.
So ...... a quandary now. I was already not liking the flanges, and was having trouble finding a solution for that anyhow. Now if I have to spend money to replace a pump I'm left wondering if I'd be better off spending money and replacing the whole skimmer with something insump. Which sucks because it means I drilled the sump for nothing then, but at least that can be patched or plugged.
And that's of course ignoring the financial end of the equation.
I'm left wondering if I'd be even able to sell the skimmer. It's VERY large so the target market is probably pretty small. I see by this thread:
.. that I paid $250 or probably very close to that for the skimmer. Fast forward to today, becketts are a bit dated these days, so it's unlikely I'd be able to sell it easily and certainly won't be able to defray the cost of a new skimmer by any significant amount even if I did.
On the flip side, the acrylic alone is worth a mint. I'm probably better off for the moment looking for a replacement pump and dealing with the skimmer replacement question down the road, but then I'm left wondering, why do it twice. Do it once and be done with it.
Any opinions?
Here are some pictures. Looks like Shaw fixed the photoshares so I'm back to hosting these pictures at Shaw. I have to go back and fix the last batch now but I'm kinda too lazy to get the get up and go for that.