Thanks for all the words of support everyone! Heartbreaking, yes, but I think we all know that in this hobby we have to learn to take the good with the bad because there's an ample supply of both. I've had a few issues but pushing onward was never one of them. I'm in it to win it!
Originally Posted by christyf5
Sorry to hear of your troubles but glad to see you're looking on the bright side Kien.
Oh and I just gotta ask. Which tank is the FOWLR ? 
Its the one with all the fish of course. Duh!
Originally Posted by Lance
I've sworn I'm done with SPS a dozen times, but no........ we're all suckers for punishment. A sane person would stay away, but there's something about those fuzzy sticks that makes us lose our heads a little.
Word! They truly are like drugs. You know that in the long run they are bad for you but you just can't help yourself!
Originally Posted by karazy
sorry for your losses Kien.
the tank still looks great as usual.
did you lose your little baby toe of a red planet frag from OC?
Ha! That piece of lint kicked it eons ago