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Old 09-16-2010, 06:18 PM
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foxfishfan foxfishfan is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 38
foxfishfan is on a distinguished road

Puff is kinda segregated in the 55g, I have to move him to my 110 at work. The guy I really feel sorry for is the skunk is now homeless, he had it all and now look at him. Puff doesn't seem to like any fake food ie. flakes or pellets, only the good stuff. When he's had enough, he spits it all over the place. He doesn't eat any veggies, does he?
120g mixed fish/coral tank: regal tang, yellow tang, flame-finned tang, foxface, puffer,4 clowns, mandarin,coral beauty,blue cleaner wrasse.
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