Thread: LF Regal Tang
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Old 09-16-2010, 04:37 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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it would be im afraid see the proble isnt the size its that a fish that grows that fast will get stressed very easily in such a small tank i wouldnt keep a juvie in anything less than a 100g.the other side is they are super super ich magnets like one of the worse they almost all get it at some time.someone said a good analagy a while ago on here they said try to imagine a dinner plate swimming in your tank,turning around not easy to do.if you were to keep exchanging your tang for a new juvie youll be looking at disease alot faster.disease in this hobby can wipe out your whole tank sometimes in one day so do the pros and cons on how much you spent and the work involved is it worth it for a fish you like the look of??

honestly buddy if you like give me a shout later and i can show you a list of nice fish that would go well with a 60g or we can take a trip to blueworld and talk to ken and we can get you something that would survive healthy in your systemcheers lil buddy
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