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Old 09-16-2010, 05:21 AM
Sumdood Sumdood is offline
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Default 17lbs live rock & Mystery Wrasse

EDIT: Wrasse & Rock sold, still looking for the stuff on my list though

I've got 17lbs of spare good live rock for sale $75 obo and a Mystery Wrasse for $150. I'd guess Mystery Wrasse is around 5-6" in size, quite big and had him over a year. Also got about a ziploc bag of micro algae I'm not gonna use and some freshwater plants so if someone comes for the other stuff can take that too. Would prefer trading +/- cash for stuff and have included list of things/fish I'd like. For the Wrasse I'd prefer getting a nice looking fish in the deal to placate my dad who doesn't want it to go :P

Will Trade For:

Brittle Starfish
Gobies, Firefish, butterflyfish, non-aggressive colourful fish
Feather Duster
Replacement LED's (Hexagonal for Coralife Aqualight Lunar Model)

Last edited by Sumdood; 09-24-2010 at 12:03 AM.
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