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Old 09-15-2010, 07:32 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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GreenSpottedPuffer is an unknown quantity at this point

Now I am seeing that she is swimming with him around the edges of the anemone but if he tries to go IN the anemone he is chased out. He went to the top corner of the tank and she actually came out to see him which is strange because until now I have never seen them leave the anemone more than a few inches and only to grab food. I think they may be trying to work it out. She isn't ready to have him come home yet but at least she misses him

Another interesting thing is that when I feed mysis, he will take it in his mouth and spit it out into the anemone while she will just eat the mysis herself. So i bet the anemone likes him better

In all seriousness this is kind of sad to see. Interesting too. They have never had any problems that I ever saw.
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