That's why I say to he their own ... If you'd like to lecture me about the oceans reef then I say save your breath, i've heard read and expeirienced and seen in person our oceans reef, I was raised less than 20ft from the ocean. I have oersonnally cut the net off a whale , so I do care but if you take things to heart we wouldn't have a hobby in the first place . It's a fact fish are gonna die in our tank sooner or later , it happens ...sure there things we can do , but if you don't experiment well never learn new things. That said obviously I wouldn't keep my tang in a 20g , but I pick and choose my battles... If i got hung up on all the worlds problems I'd never sleep .....war, bombings, forests,oceans ....I say less talk and put your words into action ....what have you done to save out oceans outside of a tank, I was part of our towns beach clean up for many years...volunteered every year, I have about 500g of water in my house fir fish all healthy and doing great, I have had tanks my whole ..whole life, but in the end I respect your reefing habits and usually don't diss other peoples . There ate many ways to do things your beliefs may not be the same as mine doesn't make them right or wrong. Everyone has their own morals, but if I dare you to go to a mother and tell her what she does isn't what you'd do, or to a dog owner and say I wouldn't feed that it's not what I do , or possibly the church about what religion to have....most would say he their own. So instead of coming on a forum to lecture about your beliefs, just state what you know as facts and not your morals.
If you think cycling a tank with fish is wrong then that's your god given right and no one can take it from you it's the beauty of freedom ....but it works both ways.last night I had a guy come buy some things he has a yellow tang regal tang and some triggers in a 60g ,instead of saying I think he's wrong or destroying our reefs isimply explained things that may happen , it's his own choice whether to follow but I wouldn't dare say I think he's hurting our hobby or is going to destroy our oceans ........why????
Because people need to make their own decisions between right and wrong and what they interpret as good reefkeeping practises.
I'm not going to be replying to this thread anymore because the topic would be never ending and I've heard it all before. I respect you'd advice pat but you have to respect also that not everyone has the same thoughts you do and just because they don't doesn't make you any better of a reefer than me

I jar Wang you to know even if this comes off as rude it isn't I really do respect your advice and morals.........
"To he their own"