Your tank will cycle. Your test kits may not be precise enough to notice though. The cycle should be rather small since you used
previously cured rock. As soon as it comes out of the water, it is no longer cured, even if it was only an hour. Although using previously cured rock, and minimizing the time it is out of water will surely minimize or nearly eliminate a noticeable cycle.
Originally Posted by nemodad
Ok i'll wait till the 3 week mark and get a small clean up crew.
I'll wait till 2 months for the clowns.
Sounds like you're on the right track here. Personally, I wait 3 weeks from putting the rock in when I don't see a cycle on the tests. At that point I add a SMALL clean up crew since there should be some diatoms growing by then. If the clean up crew does well, I start adding a few hardy corals on week 4. Imo, fish should come third after corals. Hardy corals tend to be much hardier than fish, and help to age the water and tank in preparation for fish. I don't add a fish until week 6-8.
FYI, someone mentioned a tank becoming "established", a tank isn't considered established until at least a year imo.
Originally Posted by paddyob
This approach seems... to defeat the purpose of reef keeping. The world reefs are in danger and we as reefers need to do our best to ensure that we stock wisely and conscientiously to ensure we do not purposely stress or kill fish and corals.
If we remove fish from the ocean with the attitude that "they come and go"... it hurts nature.
There are a lot of LFS out there that do not care about this and will continue stocking fish that are not suitable to make a quick buck. But as reefers we do not need to follow this same path.
Fish are animals too. And amazing animals OR NONE OF US WOULD HAVE A TANK!!!!
Try keep the worlds reef systems in mind. If you think its a bad idea for one reason or another... then it probably is.
Not dumping on you Reefwars.... but I have a sweet spot for the reef... and part of me is sad thinking about the fish I have lost in the past due to my own inexperience and poor advice received.
Some of you probably saw the post about BC somewhere trying to make salt fish banned. Do you wonder why? It is because of things like this.
Reef wisely and it will be a rich experience. Reef poorly and you will only be poor.
Sorry for the rant.
Excellent post! I couldn't agree more!
Originally Posted by fishytime
sorry to dis-agree with you Mang^^^^ but, do not cycle the tank with a or not a fish going through a cycle will suffer irreversible damage.... if your rock was out of water for an hour then you will get die off and your tank will cycle properly without adding a fish....again, patience is key.......oh ya, welcome to CR 