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Old 09-14-2010, 08:50 PM
jphong jphong is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 96
jphong is on a distinguished road

Thanks lastlight, I got all the rock from a fellow reefer here and he sold me some really nice pieces. No zip ties yet and the rock on the left is held up by that underwater epoxy putty you get at the stores. Doesnt work great but it works for things like that.

Yeah the bag did mention rinsing but that slipped my mind cause of the excitement! Lesson learned for sure but the filter floss works so good.

Removing the trim wasnt that bad actually, the rim was already loose when I got it used off someone who was using it to keep reptiles. It was in really good shape just the silicone holding the trim wasnt bonded that well at the top. I ended up re-siliconing the top corners and the top of the glass rim along the perimeter where there was missing chunks. I know its kind of frowned upon but I wanted to try it anyways. Ive been keeping an eye on it the last week and so far nothing has changed so no prob! Its shallow as well so it should be fine, I think its at about 13" of height for water depth.
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