In a way it t and isn't lol so ok since you have cured rock you may not see much of a cycle since die off was minimal now wth cured rock your gonna want to add an amonia soure ie. Fish.
Most use blue damsels because of their hardyness bt with your tank going for a month you could add clowns. Don't keep adding rock to your system add it at once if possible or very small amounts over weeks. After your fish are there for one week take a test... Do it yourself don't trust lfs tests

in another week do another test , you prob won't see much if any amonia but you should see a small rise in nitrates. Now your finished the first part of your cycle now you can add clean up crew make sure you get some shrimp I prefer cleaner shrimp because of their benifits. Give your clean up crew 2 weeks to do their job less time for small aquariums under 50g. Do another tst then do a large water change 30-50% .wAit a couple days then you can add your first fish, as I would rcommend ditching the damsels

I would let your sysem stabilize for a few months before adding any more fish untill your system stabilizes. You can add coral as soon as your clean up crew is done. But make sure amonia is 100% not present
