Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Personally, it sounds like you've already bought almost everything you need to keep it running and there's not a lot of spending left if you want to keep it a simple fowlr tank. Fowlrs don't require frequent water changes (considerably less than a full blown reef tank). If time is an issue, the switch over from sw to fw at this time will be quite a big chore. FW sting rays are far more sensitive and expensive than the fish you already have. Even a tiny bit of ammonia is enough to damage or kill a ray. If time & money is that big an issue, I would stay away from rays. You'll end up killing it through lack of maintenance time. Any high maintenance, expensive species is a bad idea at this time, it sounds like.
Just my $.02.
I've kept many rays before. I've kept 8 rays in the last year but sold them all. I know how to take care of them well.