i ran FW for years and ithoughti was happy with it until my tank sprung a leak. and i decided to go salt. it changed my life. yes at first fear and problems did make me think wtf did i get myself into. but now almost a year into it come dec. i would never change a thing and setting up a second tank now.
with fw i liked the fish but i didnt pay much attention to it it was there i fed them cleaned it when i felt like it, even thought of rays. rays can have a short life span in captivity. but salt WOW the color the vibrance the attitudes the personality the where did that thing come from i dont remember buying that, just blows my mind every day. i still have frustration days as everyone does and fears of crash. buti do look forward every morning to peeking at the tank to see whats grown over night.
i too would say give it a few more month you have already done the hard part. now i dream of making my display tank bigger. i wish i had the size of yours so much more i could do.
in the end you have to do whats best for you not what us cronics think you should do.