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Old 09-14-2010, 05:08 AM
KeMo KeMo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Toronto
Posts: 21
KeMo is on a distinguished road

If you always are having ammonia in your tank your load is too high or you are over feeding. How much LR do you have in your tank ? How often do you feed and how are you feeding ? Nitrates are pritty normal . Fish can tolerate them on the lower levels . To have 0 nitrates in your water you will need to run a refug with chaeto in it or have a DSB.
Also like stated before turn of your skimmer when your doing your water change. I turn mine of as well as the lights . Becuase as the water level goes down the light impact will increase and it can bleach out some of your coraline or shock your corals.
30gal Reef 50lbs Fiji LR 25lbs Fiji LS. 10gal sump/ref
Remora Maxi-jet 1200 , Mp10, HID 175 Swing arm
1 False Perc,(nemo) Blue Mandarin (Houdini)
Soft Corals,CUC ( 7 months old)
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