Well the time has come, i'll probably be moving again in the next year and will need to sell off my tank as i don't want to do another tank move. So here goes a partial list of my livestock for sale.
4.5" Scopas Tang $10
4" Rabbit fish $10
3" Bonsai frag $35
Green with blue tip stag $20 colony 5" x 4"
Green/rose milli frag$10
Red milli colony $40 6" x 4"
Green Hydrophoria frag $10
Green Stylo Frag $10
Ultraman Monti frag $15

Tabling Candlelight acro colony $40

Green Candycane $2.50/ head
Equipment thread to follow when all livestock sold.
Thanks for looking.
Edited, almost all gone now, offers??