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Old 09-13-2010, 04:05 AM
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Chin_Lee Chin_Lee is offline
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Default Live rock for sale

I'm selling some really nice live rock at $5 per pound. I contemplated putting these into a sump until I set up another tank but many of the pieces have some nice softies (zoos, palys, GSP) and i didn't want them to suffer. No nuisance algae and no aptasia.

Live Rock $5 per pound

Live Rock $5 per pound

Another angle of the Live Rock $5 per pound. Sorry mushroom and duncan is coming off - NO DUNCAN or METALLIC MUSHROOM

Live rock $5 per pound,

First come first serve unless I agree to hold it for you.
PM please
If people don't die, it wouldn't make living important.
And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Last edited by Chin_Lee; 10-06-2010 at 04:41 AM. Reason: removed sold items
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