Since I never did do a tank journal for either of my 230g tanks I figured now was a good time and I would update everyone on my situation.
A few of you may remember that a few weeks ago I had some sort of illness go through my tank, I did loose a bunch of fish, some to the illness and some during treatment (skunk clowns, checkerboard and solaris wrasse

) and some fish died after the treatment. Flame angel went MIA a few days after treatment, even though he seemed to be doing ok
Anyway when I first started treating the whole system a friend of mine took my corals for me to hold them for me and after I treated my reef fish (with a formalin dip, which killed some of them

) he took the rest of the fish. Unfortunately the tank he had my sohal tang and my corals in crashed last night and now my GBTA & corals are not doing well/almost dead and my sohal tang is dead

Some of my lps (frogspawn) I have had for 4 yrs and grew from a few heads to about 10-12
I had thought about selling one of the 230g tanks (the fowlr one) but it seems Doug (fishytime) has some plans for that tank (so we'll see what happens) and I guess I'll be keeping it for now.
I QT'd my fowlr fish and I am doing hypo salinity on them now so the fish I have left from the fowlr tank are: King/passer angel (thank god because even though she's mean she's my fav.) lunare wrasse, toby puffer (who never caught the disease so I have him in a 10g QT tank on his own), blue line trigger, foxface, maroon clown and bursa trigger.
The reef fish I have left that I'd like to keep are my juvi red corris wrasse, cleaner wrasse, yellowhead sleeper goby and 6-line wrasse. The reef fish that are still alive but don't think I'll keep (I will sell them once I know they are totally healthy) are my female Ocellaris Clownfish, yellow watchman goby and pink spotted watchman goby. Also debating on selling the foxface since my king picks on him all the time, however the king doesn't do to much damage to the foxface and the foxface is pretty good at holding his own against her so I don't know. Also not sure how my lunare wrasse would react to the other wrasse I have but since they are much smaller then him I am hoping he'd be ok with them.
I unfortunately still have to catch the red corris wrasse from the reef tank

We had the tank totally empty and had caught all the other fish but since I hadn't seen the red corris for a few days prior, I figured he was dead and we had all the fish out so we (or I should say Doug and Steve from Red coral) put the rock back in. Of course 2 days later there he was still in the tank!

I have Bob's fish trap but haven't had too much time to stand for hours holding the trap door up to catch him. I will try again later on today. So far the red corris is fine and eating and looking perfectly healthy so I still can't quite figure out what on earth my fish caught.
So I need to figure out which tank to put the fish I want to keep back into and which one to keep empty. I think I'll put my fish in my 230g reef tank since it has the nice rock work stand on it and it is hard to place corals in it because it's so tall with the cap on it and I'll figure out what to do with the 230g fowlr tank later on down the road. Also the timing of all this really really sucks as I just went from a dual income (a few months ago) to paying all the bills on my own, which means my reef budget is now going to mortgage payments and I am very broke