So is it just me or does anyone else find the standard Phosban reactor an absolute pain.
The water has to be forced through the carbon and/or the GFO. Who the said so? Besides someone trying to sell books. I going to look and see if Randy said it also. Did they do actual tests as compared with passive? I dont see a difference in my tank running the reactor or passive. HAVE YOU ?
First pull it apart. The find something to shove the bottom sponge down proper.

Argg, never nothing around.
Ok. Now either tape the tube over, {by the way its a real thrill trying to get it back off on a full reactor}. Or do as I hold one finger over the tube as you fill. Tip the carbon/gfo jug partially over in the sink, so I can get some material with a spoon out, as I only have one hand to do this.
Oh ya, doing it in the laundry sink, so the spill has somewhere to go. Try to remember which should go first, carbon or gfo, should I separate them with something. We dont want the carbon to tumble now do we.
Now if carbon is on top, we need sponge/floss to hold it down as of course if one needs another round sponge it needs ordering. The other goes upside down on top of the reactor? How do we rinse? I mean its full of crap and dust. Cant rinse it before putting in or would never get it in. So rinse and try dump water back out without loosing everything or it sliding up, so bottom sponge allows carbon in underneath.
Ok, rinsed good enough I guess, for now. Screw top back on. Oops never washed it good enough and carbon stuck on the threads. Do it all again.
Alrighty. Fiddle with hoses everywhere and the pump. Oh yea, need an extra pump now as compared with passive.

Wind the stupid power cord all back through it proper place. Turn off valve. Get my little tub to catch the first bit of water, because we need to rinse again when starting up.
Turn valve on, catch some of the water. Sheez its dirty. Oops of course hose pops out of I move the jug and some runs on the floor.
Ok clear now, shut valve off. Hang back in sump in proper place. Place output hose by my filter sock and whooppee away we go. Of course need to figure out how much to run through the reactor. To much does this, to little this.
Are you guys sure this is better.