Originally Posted by intarsiabox
Ammonia should break down naturally from the bacteria in your tank unless your bio-load is too high or feeding too much. Water changes will reduce the nitrates, weekly 10% should be sufficient. I know a number of people who use prime (myself included occasionally) with skimmers with no ill effects. I don't know how effective it actually is at removing nitrates as it claims however. There is a number of products that claim to detoxify nitrates but I have no experience with them, water changes have always worked for me.
I agree with Jeff that water changes are the best way to reduce nitrates. I use Kent Marine Nitrogen Sponge because my tank is still fairly new and I don't want any swings. When I run out I doubt I will repurchase, not because its not a good product. I won't repurchase because proper feeding, live rock and regular water changes are enough to maintain 0 levels of Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates.