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Old 09-12-2010, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
I have been having some difficulty with my Apex and apparently all I need is a sensitivity adjustment which the guy from Neptune said could be done online, sounds easy right? WRONG! Apparently the 2Wire modem/router I have from Telus is a nightmare to configure for access to the Apex. I have spent countless hour trying everything, reading every online post I can find and using every configuration possible with no luck. I figure it might be time to change modems, I would like to get something that works with Telus internet, and is Apex friendly so I can enjoy the benefit on online access. Any suggestions?
Call telus, tell them you want a Speedtouch modem instead of the 2wire or seimens.

then get a linksys wrt310N or higher

even if you get just a new router, the telus 2wire or seimens will not allow a linksys router to be on the same network, due to both using the same ip set (
you will see all pcs on your network, but have no internet access.

once you get the speedtouch, and linksys, then just a simple port forward application setting and your good to go.

just did the same thing for my profilux 3 and iphone app
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