250 watt DE bulbs for sale
I have 3 bulbs 14000K each and have been used for exactly one year (minus a week or 2). They are China bulbs, unsure of the brand. My corals are still exhibiting great growth but I just want to be in the habit of changing my bulbs regularly.
$10 each or all 3 for $25
If you want, I also have 150 watt DE bulbs same brand (they light my frag tank and everything is still growing very well there - my frags have all doubled in size since I sold frags last). One bulb is 10K one is 14K - these are way less than a year old since I set up my frag tank a couple months after my main display. If you want them, $10 each and that will force me to change the bulbs soon then.
I run a full sps tank with great growth.
Thanks for looking.