hey guys so im in the planning process of my tank build, i have my dimensions which are 48"x42"x20". sump not designed yet but has a large area to work wit

im looking for some info on some more modern things like reactors dosers and monitors etc. ive been googling things and ive been browsing j&l's site for references so ill add a list and if someone could tell me what they think or their experiences or recommendations that would be a great start
auto top off- can i get a tank custom made for holding water where i have a large footprint under my tank that could fit above my sump or besaide and where its a walk around tank i cant have barrels or hoses running around ????
reactors-calcium,phosban,fluidized?? have never owned them i run carbon but not in a reactor but id like to with my new set up ,should i have all these or just some even if they are not needed in the beginning i would like to budget for it and have it in corporated into my design for later thanks
chillers- im not going to be having fans available for this set up so im going to have to go the chiller route or air conditioner .if i go chiller whats the pros and cons as ive never owned one and are they pricey for a 150g more than an air conditioner??
pin point monitors and probes,testers= never had any of them but sounds like i should looking for as much info on these as possible and which ones i would need
controllers-i want everything to be digital on this set up id like to run it from my pc and controler if possible, looking for some info on their price how they operate and how reliable they are plus any neat bonuses i may not know about
uv sterilizer-under my tank?? how does it work are they pricey do they last long should i have one ??????
i want to make this set up as modern and as automated as possible plus safe.which is the exact opposite of all my other set ups.ive always manually cleaned dose tested added and watched for problems lol

i dont know what ill have for livestock yet the skys the limit

anyone have anything else they can think of to add to my list would be greatly appreciated